Christmas Idea For Kids That Builds Self Esteem For Teens And Tweens: Dr Barbara Becker Holstein’s ‘Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’ Now Available –
Lesson Plan That Teaches Self Esteem For Teens And Tweens: Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Offers ‘Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’
Lesson Plan That Teaches Self Esteem For Teens And Tweens: Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Offers ‘Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’ –
Lesson Plan For Teachers: Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Offers ‘Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’ To Help 5th and 6th Graders Build Self Esteem
Lesson Plan For Teachers: Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Offers ‘Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’ To Help 5th and 6th Graders Build Self Esteem –
Teens Record Every Moment Of Their Lives – Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth, Diary Of A Gutsy Teen’, Offers Guidance
Teens Record Every Moment Of Their Lives – Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth, Diary Of A Gutsy Teen’, Offers Guidance –
ABC Series Premier, ‘Selfie’: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist, Offers Insight
ABC Series Premier, ‘Selfie’: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Positive Psychologist, Offers Insight –
Possible Selfie During Joan Rivers Medical Procedure – Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Offers Insight
Possible Selfie During Joan Rivers Medical Procedure – Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Offers Insight –
Secret Diary Page of The Truth, Diary of a Gutsy Tween
Dear Diary, I took the most amazing pictures of myself today. I put on my mother’s long earrings, and lots of her make-up. Then I got out her Chinese robe with the big giant flowers on it and put that on. Then after I made sure no one was in the house I started taking selfies of myself. I posed in the craziest positions. I lounged on the couch as if I were lying around on a Greek Island in the the 1920’s. Then I made all sorts of faces, some happy, some sad, some excited, some upset and I just kept taking picture after picture. It was such fun! I felt like I was on some sort of imaginary stage. What was so intereting was after making sad faces I actually felt happier. It felt so good to just be able to do anything I felt I needed to do with my face. I sent a few to Angela and she loved them. She said that when her parents and brothers leave later she will put on a costume of some sort and send pictures back to me. Too soon I had to get out the cold cream and clean off my face and put everything away. Today was my secret. Only Angela knows. And you, Dear Diary.
Epic Selfie Spree: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth’, Offers Advice To Parents
Epic Selfie Spree: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth’, Offers Advice To Parents –
Selfie Contest Now Open To Teens And Tweens To Celebrate Release Of ‘The Truth, Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’
Selfie Contest Now Open To Teens And Tweens To Celebrate Release Of ‘The Truth, Diary Of A Gutsy Tween’-
Selfies Can Be Dangerous: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth’, Offers Guidelines
Selfies Can Be Dangerous: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Author Of ‘The Truth’, Offers Guidelines –