Positive Psychologist, Author And Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein To Be Part Of Symposium At American Psychological Association In Washington, DC

Positive Psychologist, Author Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein To Be Part Of Symposium At American Psychological Association In Washington, DC – http://bit.ly/2kdxMRn

New Ebook, ‘A Selfie Film, Falling In Love’ By Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Leads Creative Charge For Girls And Women Filmmakers

New Ebook, ‘A Selfie Film, Falling In Love’ By Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Leads Creative Charge For Girls And Women Filmmakers – http://bit.ly/2gXldHn

The Self Esteem Challenges Women Face Today – New Ebook, ‘A Selfie Film, Falling In Love’ By Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein

The Self Esteem Challenges Women Face Today – New Ebook, ‘A Selfie Film, Falling In Love’ By Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein – http://bit.ly/2fIzj28

Teens Falling In Love And Meeting Online – Dr Barbara Becker Holstein, Psychologist, Filmmaker And Author Offers Valuable Advice

Teens Falling In Love And Meeting Online – Dr Barbara Becker Holstein, Psychologist, Filmmaker And Author Offers Valuable Advice – http://bit.ly/2eD0fgH

New Short Film, ‘The Truth, a Short Short Film’, Now An Official Selection for the Chain Film Festival in Manhattan, August 13th, 2016

New Short Film, ‘The Truth, a Short Short Film’, Now An Official Selection for the Chain Film Festival in Manhattan, August 13th, 2016 – http://bit.ly/2axpOBN

New Short Film, ‘The Truth’, By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Focuses On How Teens Communicate Their Deepest Needs, Fears And Relationship Issues

New Short Film, ‘The Truth’, By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Focuses On How Teens Communicate Their Deepest Needs, Fears And Relationship Issues – http://bit.ly/1UpAsWc

Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Releases Free Ebook Sampler Of ‘Seven Gateways To Happiness: Freeing Your Enchanted Self’

Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Releases Free Ebook Sampler Of ‘Seven Gateways To Happiness: Freeing Your Enchanted Self’ – http://ow.ly/PhOrJ

Ellen DeGeneres, Selfies And Narcissism – Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Makes The Case For The Selfie

Ellen DeGeneres, Selfies And Narcissism – Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Makes The Case For The Selfie – http://ow.ly/usN5H

Positive Psychologist And Author Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers 8 Tips To Overcome Holiday Blues

Positive Psychologist And Author Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Offers 8 Tips To Overcome Holiday Blues – http://bit.ly/1hPeTji

The Truth for Girls are Universal Truths Ring a Bell for All

In one of my interviews on Askimo televison I answered many questions, including but not limited to:

How does our behaviour as children have a bearing on how we will be as adults?
How will understanding your 12 year old self impact your life positively now?
How does shyness affect us as adults?
How can we connect with our inner child?
How can we nurture the best of ourselves as we grow older?
Can we hold on to the energy and confidence we had as a child?

I want us as paretns and grownupse to realize that the way we were as kids affects the way we behave as adults and even our feelings and emotions. At the same time we need to honor aspects of ourselves that are part of our history as they contain the strengths, talents and potential that often lie dormant and you might even say, afraid to come out, within us. Our ‘inner child’ is calling out to us on many occasions. We need to learn how to listen and turn on our inner resources, no matter what our age.

On the other hand, we have to always remember to listen and connect to our children and grandchildren. The ways we handle them will have an affect on their strengths, talents and potential for the rest of their lives! There is no way around bringing up a child. Ignoring a child or not treating a child appropriately always has lasting consequences.

In The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) the girl speaks from her heart in her diary about all her struggles and her successes growing up. She is speaking The Truth for Girls for all young girls. She resonates so much with us because her voice is an universal voice. We all had hopes and dreams and problems growing up. And we all wanted to be heard. And we still want to be heard and understood as adults. These are the simple truths that make the world go round! Let’s keep it turning at full potential!