Dr Barbara Becker Holstein’s Award Winning Selfie Films Build Positive Self Esteem To Empower Teens And Tweens – http://bit.ly/2oUUDGq
Tag Archives: Barbara Holstein
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein’s Selfie Films To Build Positive Self Esteem Receive New Short Film Awards, Chosen For Upcoming Film Festivals
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein’s Selfie Films To Build Positive Self Esteem Receive New Short Film Awards, Chosen For Upcoming Film Festivals – http://bit.ly/2n9sjPe
Help Girls Build Self Esteem – Positive Psychologist, Author And Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Announces Charitable Donation Program
Help Girls Build Self Esteem – Positive Psychologist, Author And Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Announces Charitable Donation Program – http://bit.ly/2mdzh6t
Positive Psychologist, Author And Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein To Be Part Of Symposium At American Psychological Association In Washington, DC
Positive Psychologist, Author Filmmaker Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein To Be Part Of Symposium At American Psychological Association In Washington, DC – http://bit.ly/2kdxMRn
New Short Film, ‘The Truth, a Short Short Film’, Now An Official Selection for the Chain Film Festival in Manhattan, August 13th, 2016
New Short Film, ‘The Truth, a Short Short Film’, Now An Official Selection for the Chain Film Festival in Manhattan, August 13th, 2016 – http://bit.ly/2axpOBN
New Short Film, ‘The Truth’, By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Focuses On How Teens Communicate Their Deepest Needs, Fears And Relationship Issues
New Short Film, ‘The Truth’, By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, Focuses On How Teens Communicate Their Deepest Needs, Fears And Relationship Issues – http://bit.ly/1UpAsWc
Top Books For Christmas – ‘The Truth’ and ‘Secrets’ By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Help Tweens and Teens Develop Healthy Approaches To Growing Up
Top Books For Christmas – ‘The Truth’ and ‘Secrets’ By Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein Help Tweens and Teens Develop Healthy Approaches To Growing Up – http://bit.ly/1mjGazn
Secret Diary Page of The Truth, Diary of a Gutsy Tween
Dear Diary, I took the most amazing pictures of myself today. I put on my mother’s long earrings, and lots of her make-up. Then I got out her Chinese robe with the big giant flowers on it and put that on. Then after I made sure no one was in the house I started taking selfies of myself. I posed in the craziest positions. I lounged on the couch as if I were lying around on a Greek Island in the the 1920’s. Then I made all sorts of faces, some happy, some sad, some excited, some upset and I just kept taking picture after picture. It was such fun! I felt like I was on some sort of imaginary stage. What was so intereting was after making sad faces I actually felt happier. It felt so good to just be able to do anything I felt I needed to do with my face. I sent a few to Angela and she loved them. She said that when her parents and brothers leave later she will put on a costume of some sort and send pictures back to me. Too soon I had to get out the cold cream and clean off my face and put everything away. Today was my secret. Only Angela knows. And you, Dear Diary.
When I was a girl I knew so many things. I knew a lot of important stuff that my parents and other grown-ups had forgotten. I promised myself that I would find a way to hold on to my knowledge. Then I grew up and became a teacher and a psychologist. I got married and had children. At work, as a psychologist,
I listen to a lot of people’s problems– children and grown-ups. I always try to help them.
One of the things I do is to point out to them what is right with them, rather than what is wrong. Another thing I do is to teach them how to have more fun. I also help them to remember their own wisdom and the truths that they already know in their hearts.
One day I decided to find a way to combine what I already knew as a girl with the knowledge I now have as a psychologist. I had to find a fun way to do this that would really help girls and mothers recognize that what we know growing up is just as important as what we learn later in life. One day, the “girl” just appeared. She knew what to say and how to say it. She did a much better job of sharing the truth than I ever could have imagined. So I just let her go for it. Here is her account of the truth. I hope you enjoy it. Remember your promises to yourself when you grow up and don’t forget to listen to your kids someday.