Sunny The Cat

I thought it would be such fun to put my cat on my lap and talk to him about the truth. After all, cats, like most or all animals, have an uncanny sense of the truth. They know if you don’t like them. They also often sense what is about to happen before it does, like when a storm is coming. And they look past all the superficial stuff like our make-up and what we are wearing to the true essence of what is at hand. Feed me. Love me. Play. It is all simple and direct.

Of course children are more complicated, but in many ways children know the truth better than we do. They can pick up on our moods and intentions instantly. Kids know if we are placating or overdoing compliments.

Soooo, once Sunny was on my lap, and he of course, sat right in the sun, I just began to talk to him about the truth. The words fell out of my mouth, as he patiently let me pet him. However, when I tried to get him to look at my book, The Truth (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything) he clearly turned away. He wasn’t going to let me trick him into reading a book for kids! After all, he’s a cat. He’s proud of it, and that’s The Truth.

I hope you enjoy our discussion.   —-  Sunny the Cat

Making plans for the summer – Two sides of the same coin (Parent and child)

Side one: Lately I feel that the amount of work I’m expected to do seems to continually grow. I do not know if it because of our shrinking workforce or because of the economy picking up. I can’t wait to take my 3 week vacation at the end of July. I just keep counting down the days. I’m so excited to be spending some quality time with my family. I know they will love it!.I can’t wait to do so many great activities with my kids when we arrive at the Islands. Our last family vacation has been too long ago. The truth is that I’m really looking forward to just leaving my work behind and focus on what’s really important to me.

The flip side: I just can’t believe how my parents are trying to mess up my life! Of all the times that they chose to go on vacation did it have to be in the middle of the summer? I’m going to be missing out hanging out with my best friends and staying up all night just catching up on conversations! What am I supposed to do for 3 weeks at this resort? There not even a mall nearby! I hope I’ll be able to use my phone or talk to my friends on the Internet. Hello, does anyone care what I want to do with my time? I’m tired of seeing dad “stressed out” all the time when he comes home. What’s it going to be like going away with him? And my siblings? Don’t get me wrong, I love them but I need to have some space of my own! After all, I’m not their little girl anymore. And that’s the truth